Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Potential Dangers of Irresponsible Bloging and the "Acceptable Blog Use" Policy For my English 10 Class (2)

The potential dangers of irresponsible bloging are that the person doing irresponsible bloging can get into serious trouble if he or she is caught. Also, a person's feelings can get hurt by another person irresponsibly blogging about that ceratin person. A person can become very embarrassed by others as there is gossip or talk about a certain person from a blog that can spread and also hurt his or her feelings. A person could also be harrassed or "cyberbullied" by a blogger. A person's privacy can be intruded if another person talks about that other person's life (whatever it may be about) which that person may want to keep private from others like all the other people from around the world who are able to get access to this same blog just by going on the Internet. Irresponsible blogging may also start violence between people if what is stated on the blog is hurtfull or offensive.

The "Acceptable Blog Use" Policy for my English 10 class should consist of at least a few important things. One of them is that the blogs should not be used for any means necessary to hurt any person inside and/or outside of the class. It should only focus on what we are learning about and studying in our class. For my fellow peers' blogs, including my own blog, the only thing that we should be focusing on is the book that each of us are reading, depending on which book each of us have chosen to read (1984 or Fahrenheit 451). Each blog posting should only be about what we have to answer from our teacher's blog posting assignments. Lastly and most importantly, no one should have his or her full name any where on his or her blog. Do not forget, these blogs can be reached at anytime anywhere around the world from the Internet.

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